Hindus, Muslims, Bengalis and non-Bengalis, all those who live in this Bangla are our brothers. The responsibility of protecting them is on you. Ensure that our reputation is not smeared in any way. The employees of the Radio and Television; please bear in mind that if our words are not broadcasted by the radio, then no Bengali shall go to the r...
The Liberation War of Bangladesh, while bringing independence, also took away many intellectuals and loved ones. Many women lost their husbands and children. For many, the memories of the war remain a dark, haunting night. In the history of Bangladesh's independence, March 1971 was a tumultuous and eventful month. On March 1, 1971, the then mil...
On August 15, 1975, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the undisputed leader of Bangladesh's struggle for freedom, was killed along with his family. 34 years after the murder, the murder case was settled. Apart from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Bangmata Begum Faziltunnesa Mujib, 26 other people including their family members and relatives were kill...
15 August is the day of national mourning. This is the day when all beings of the whole Bengal, even nature shed tears. Because, this day of August, back in 1975, it seemed like this rainy August and brutal bloodshed of Bangabandhu were the representation of the weeping of the sky itself crying out of extreme grievance.
The Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman led Bangladesh to have emerged as an independent state. Following his footstep, his daughter Sheikh Hasina also led Awami League to turn Bangladesh into a developing digital state in the world. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, also the President of Awami League, transferred the starving na...