Published on June 10, 2023Hiren Pandit:
Awami League President Sheikh Hasina mentioned that "hurts will come, conspiracies will happen, but Awami League leaders and workers will definitely move forward unitedly to face those conspiracies." Awami League has established the right to vote and rice for the people of Bangladesh. Awami League established Digital Bangladesh, and will also establish Smart Bangladesh in the coming days. Bangladesh will not go backward, Bangladesh will move forward, and the dream of the father of the nation will be materialized. Awami League made the Election Commission completely independent. Financially empowered. Now everything has been handed over to the Election Commission. The Election Commission is able to work independently, highlighting the contribution of the Awami League and the government led by them in establishing the right to vote, there is no possibility of any more vote fraud after EVMs. Awami League has trust and faith in the people. Awami League runs with that belief. Awami League has a zero-tolerance position on corruption.
Bangladesh is going fast today after overcoming all the barrenness. One of the obstacles was the Coronavirus, after which the Russia-Ukraine war began. We were coming out of the economic shock of Covid-19. There this war and embargo are ruining all our progress. Developed countries are also struggling today. Despite the global challenges, Bangladesh's current per capita is still in good condition.
Awami League stands by the people in any calamity. This is Awami League and this is the teaching of Awami League. The history of Awami League is like the history of struggle, and at the same time, Awami League can improve or move a country forward, as Bangladesh is moving forward now. The history of Awami League is a history of the long struggle. Awami League will take the ideals of Bangabandhu and stand by the people and give a better life to the people of this country and Bangladesh will move forward and that is how Bangladesh Awami League is running this country under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. No matter how many evil forces conspire against Bangladesh, no one can stand in the way of Bengali’s progress.
Trying to resolve the load-shedding that has already started. It will also overcome disruptions in power generation in the country due to rising global gas, oil, and coal prices. We all know that load shedding and price inflation are hurting people, now it is very difficult to buy fuel, so the countrymen have to be patient. However, we have already signed agreements with Qatar and Oman. The government has taken measures to import hydropower. Steps have already been taken to buy coal so that we can restart the power plants.
Awami League government has been able to provide 100% electricity. But now the price of oil, gas, and coal has increased. Now getting coal has become a difficult matter. Once the propaganda and propaganda against coal-based power plants was carried out nationally and internationally, now coal-based power plants are being built again. Because of this, we are also having various problems to buy for the country. But the problem will be over soon.
We all need to be energy efficient. Citizens know the correct information and are informed about the government's actions well done. The impact of the Ukraine war on the global economy has been extremely damaging. The war in Ukraine disrupted the entire global supply chain. Russia and Ukraine together supply 30 percent of food to the international market and Russia supplies one-tenth of the fuel oil to the international market. As a result, there is a severe shortage of fuel oil worldwide. High inflation is now the biggest challenge for the world economy. The high inflation caused in the United States and European Union countries has also affected developing countries like Bangladesh. High inflation is currently the biggest challenge in the economy of Bangladesh. High inflation is prevailing not only in Bangladesh but also in the entire world economy including the United States, and Britain. However, developed countries have brought inflation under control by applying their own strategies. The initiatives taken now could have been taken earlier. The global crisis has been brewing for more than a year. Advance preparation to deal with the crisis is often not possible even in view of the reality.
The prices of daily commodities are increasing in the market. Not only daily commodities, electricity prices, natural gas and LP gas prices have also increased. The finance minister expressed optimism that inflation will be under control due to four factors including the effect of government initiatives to reduce the prices of daily necessities. In the next financial year, the price inflation will be controlled due to the decrease in the price of fuel, food products and fertilizers in the world market, adjustment of fuel oil prices in the country and government initiatives to keep the food supply situation normal.
The new visa policy of the United States has been widely discussed for a few days. The United States Department of State announced a new visa policy for Bangladesh on May 24. It is said that they will not give visas to those involved in irregularities and fraud in Bangladesh elections. However, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's speech made it clear that the government is not happy with this US visa policy. She said, there is no point in worrying about who will not give us visas, bans, and so on. A 20-hour plane journey, crossing the Atlantic and going to that America doesn't matter. There are many more oceans in the world, many continents. There we will travel, and make friends. Our economy will be better, stronger, stronger.'
Many factors come into play in local government elections. There are many differences of opinion here. But the issue of the National Assembly election is different. All the activities of the election are conducted there under the leadership of our party president. The people of the country and the well-wishers of Awami League also want to see a problem-free Awami League and an Awami League capable of overcoming all kinds of crises. Because even though there are many political parties in the country, a good alternative political party to Awami League has not yet been formed in the country. To continue the progress of the country, the Awami League government under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina can take the country forward and work for the welfare of the country.
The people of Bangladesh will never bow down to any foreign pressure. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina mentioned that no matter how much domestic and foreign pressure comes, Bengalis will never bow down to that pressure. We must always remember; this country is ours. We will not let anyone play with the fate of the people of this country. Due to the support of the people, the country's progress has been made possible by the relentless efforts of the government and Bangladesh has become a role model for development. Bangladesh will move forward as a role model. Besides ensuring the voting rights of the people of the country, she emphasized the continuation of the democratic process and mentioned that no one can suppress the people of Bangladesh. In the last 14 and a half years, there has been a lot of change and development in Bangladesh and by 2041 we will build Smart Bangladesh.
Awami League will take the people with it and turn the country into the golden Bangladesh of the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's dream. Awami League has a role in every great, auspicious, and benevolent achievement of the Bengali nation. To continue this continuity of development, everyone should work unitedly regardless of party affiliation. Bangladesh, which is moving forward along the highway of development under the leadership of the Awami League government, is today a self-confident, development wonder in the world. The Awami League government is determined to make Bangladesh a middle-income country by implementing Vision 2021 and a developed and prosperous country by implementing Smart Bangladesh in 2041.
When the country is moving forward with the relentless efforts of the Awami League government, the allies of the defeated forces of the liberation war are trying to create instability and anarchy. Awami League believes in communal harmony. No evil force will be allowed to flourish in this country. Free textbooks are being distributed to students up to the Secondary level. The literacy rate has risen to 75 percent. 2 crore people are getting various allowances under the social safety net. Hundreds of people in the country are getting electricity. Healthcare is at people's doorsteps. Poor people are getting 30 types of medicines free from community clinics. The average life expectancy of people has increased to 73 years. Digital Bangladesh has been established. Extensive infrastructural development programs including roads, highways, bridges, flyovers, subways, elevated expressways, railways, waterways and communications have been implemented and are still ongoing across the country. Metrorail construction started last December. The self-funded Padma Bridge was inaugurated in June last year.
The people's organization, Bangladesh Awami League, is tried to be destroyed through national and international conspiracy and the torture and oppression of anti-independence circles and illegal military rulers. But no attempt ever succeeded. Awami League's grassroots leaders, workers and supporters have sustained, and strengthened the party by facing all the adversities and conspiracies with their lives and will continue to do so in the future.
In 1996, Bangladesh Awami League came back to power after a long struggle to establish democracy and the right to vote. Awami League ruled the state very successfully from 1996 to 2001. Bangladesh turned around on the path of development and progress. The Awami League government turned the country of food shortage Bangladesh into a country of food surplus. The Awami League government has been taking the country forward in the last fourteen and a half years by achieving comprehensive development in each sector, including agriculture, education, health, communication, information technology, infrastructure, electricity, rural economic development, diplomatic success and cooperation, as per the election promises. Bangladesh has become a lower middle-income country. Bangladesh is one of the top 5 countries in the world in terms of economic progress.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is working tirelessly to make Bangladesh a middle-income country, keeping Awami League's huge campaign ahead. Education, communication infrastructure, gas, electricity, women’s education, 100% increase in salaries and allowances of employees, health care, distribution of free books, achieving self-sufficiency in food production, disadvantaged communities under social safety net programs, destitute, elderly, widows, persons with disabilities, women victimized by husband, people are benefiting from autism, providing assistance to poor freedom fighters, shelter schemes, one house one farm scheme, women empowerment and overall development of various sectors. It was possible to achieve that prosperity only under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. Even in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, our beloved Bangladesh is moving forward at a breakneck speed toward the desired goal.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina mentioned, 'We have achieved victory in the great liberation war. We are a winning nation. As a victorious nation, we can stand tall in the court of the world. We will not bow down to anyone, we will not walk by bowing down to anyone. Father of the Nation Bangabandhu repeatedly said that by using that wealth, we will be proud of our own glory in the World Assembly, we will build ourselves and we will walk with our heads high to the whole world. This will be the most important step for the people of this country. This is how our beloved motherland Bangladesh built by Bangabandhu will move forward.
Meanwhile, digital Bangladesh is working to improve and modernize the quality of life of citizens and easily obtain citizen services, education, health, management, work methods, industry, trade and production, economy, and social and cultural lifestyle in a digital way. As technology has become accessible to every citizen of the country, technology-based services are being made available to marginalized groups. Technology has become a trusted medium in all citizen services and lifestyles.
In response to the fourth industrial revolution, the information technology sector of Bangladesh has emphasized various infrastructural developments including the development of skilled human resources. Bangladesh is striving to be among the top 50 countries in the United Nations e-Governance Development Index in the next five years. 5,500 Unions have been brought under the Internet at an affordable price through the One Country One Rate program. 8600 digital centers have been launched across the country. 5G has been launched on an experimental basis but will be commercially operational by the end of this year.
With the help of information technology, young people are building small and big IT firms, e-commerce sites, apps-based services and other organizations. Besides, some major achievements including Bangladesh's first satellite in space have taken Bangladesh to a unique height in the eyes of the world. Bangabandhu's Golden Bengal is no longer a dream but now a visible reality. Only Awami League to take Bangladesh forward and Bangladesh will move forward under the leadership of Awami League.
Writer: Columnist and a researcher