Politics of conspiracy will fail


Published on May 16, 2023
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Habibullah Mizan:

Prime minister Sheikh Hasina’s recent tri-nation visit has turned the opposition movement upside-down. The oppositions have been gripped by a wide-ranging frustration.

It is noted that after Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had allowed public rally, the opposition led by Bangladesh Nationalist Party held countrywide public meeting. The opposition party reached a momentum through divisional mass rallies.

But side by side, due to ruling Awami League’s organizational skills and political programs, BNP could not carry out any destructive activities in the country, said a leading political analyst .

They also failed to create any situation to embarrass the government. However, due to some foreign diplomats, specifically US Ambassador Peter Haas, BNP got some wind in its sail. And because of the irresponsible move for increasing Television Rating Point (TRP) of the print and electronic media and anti-state social media propaganda, BNP managed to create its political position. But the recent foreign visits of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has created a significant impact on bilateral relations.USA, UK and Japan have taken a clear U- turn. They are now busy making Bangladesh happy and are coming with more bigger projects.

BNP and its allies also realized the situation well, but they are in a face- saving state and trying to keep the supporters and activists in a state of hope. BNP and other opposition parties went to a back foot slightly. Now BNP is struggling to invigorate their workers’ mental strength. As part of BNP target, they are now taking new political programs.

Russia-Ukraine war has two types of impact. Global turmoil and economic downturn causing harms to all countries. Europe and America especially are incurring more losses. Compared to that situation, due to Sheikh Hasina’s dynamic and strong leadership, Bangladesh was successfully saved from various dangers. There are some big achievements. The diplomats of the USA, Japan and UK in Bangladesh overplayed. For compensating these, now the USA, Japan and UK became aggressive and they are now seeing that Sheikh Hasina could not be dislodged. Sheikh Hasina has huge support in the grassroots level. Sheikh Hasina has created a place of confidence by her pro-people programs and massive development works across the country. Even in all level of government administration, she has vast popularity. For this reason, there is no possibility of massive upsurge against Sheikh Hasina. Foreigners have already understood it. They are enhancing their relationship with Sheikh Hasina in a bid to continue their business in future.

The World Bank unprecedentedly honoured Bangladesh and Sheikh Hasina. The program which was organized by the World Bank for Bangladesh and Sheikh Hasina was unprecedented.

Sheikh Hasina’s latest Japan tour has reached the bilateral ties to a new height. These state visits have explored a new window for cooperation. Japan has come forward with more investment than earlier. Japan has started its activities with more investment expected in Indo- Pacific Strategy. The main object here is to contain China from here. Though Bangladesh did not join any alliance, Bangladesh is trying to keep friendly relations with every country silently and enmity with none. This strategy has created a safe environment for all powerful countries and Bangladesh. Keeping own independence and sovereignty, Bangladesh is moving ahead having no obligation and building relations with every country. Bangladesh will continue this policy in future.

UK had involvement in bringing the independence of Bangladesh. UK has long- standing culture of providing assistance to Bangladesh. From this obligation, UK has also come forward with more development assistance for Bangladesh.

When the USA, UK and Japan have changed their position towards Bangladesh, the rest of the countries have also extended their hands of cooperation unprecedentedly.

In this circumstance, the politics of conspiracy, the politics of controversy will not be successful.

The people of Bangladesh are now conscious. They now understand their own wellbeing . From upper to lower class, the people of the country realize their betterment as in that situation, the opposition has no pro-people program.

The present ruling party is far ahead than opposition party to achieve the goal of social changes and prosperous country.