Bangladesh: Rising Star in Geopolitics


Published on May 11, 2023
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Dr. Pranab Kumar Panday:

Since Sheikh Hasina came to office in 2009, Bangladesh has changed dramatically. She has led the country to unprecedented heights of prosperity, social advancement, and political stability. The country's tremendous economic growth is one of the crowning achievements of the Sheikh Hasina government. Over the past decade, Bangladesh's GDP has increased at an annualized pace of over 6%, making it one of the world's fastest-growing economies. The country has been prosperous in broadening its export base, and one major contributor is the clothing industry. Investment and trade have been bolstered by the government's efforts to improve infrastructure like roads, bridges, and ports.

Bangladesh has made great strides in social welfare during Sheikh Hasina's leadership. The government has launched numerous initiatives to advance education, combat poverty, and enhance health care. The "Digital Bangladesh" program stands out because it employs cutting-edge technology to improve healthcare and education in the country. Poverty reduction efforts have also been aided by the government's implementation of many social safety net initiatives, such as cash transfers to disadvantaged people.

The Sheikh Hasina government has made great strides toward making Bangladesh governed more efficiently. The government has made anti-corruption efforts and the rule of law a top priority. Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index now ranks the country higher. More reforms were made to the judicial system and the police force to ensure that these institutions effectively function. The government's efforts to increase openness and accountability in government have boosted citizens' trust in those institutions.
Sheikh Hasina has also helped Bangladesh make great strides in its international relations. India, China, and Japan are just a few countries with which the government has actively grown commercial and diplomatic ties. The government has also played an active role in regional and international organizations, such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC).

In recent years, Bangladesh has been able to ensure a good balance in its relations with both India and China, mainly owing to the country's consistent economic growth. Bangladesh has always had closer connections with India; so this is a significant shift in the country's foreign policy. However, it has kept its relations with India and China at a steady equilibrium.

India and Bangladesh have had close historical, economic, and political relations for quite some time. The country's most important trading partner is India, with which it shares a border. China has been making inroads into Bangladesh in recent years, notably through its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a vast infrastructure development project to improve economic cooperation and connectivity between countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa.

By employing a nuanced approach to foreign policy, Bangladesh has been able to maintain peace with India and China. Trade, investment, and regional security are just a few areas where cooperation with India and China has been established. Maintaining friendly relations with India and China has allowed Bangladesh to further its economic and strategic goals.

Bangladesh has relatively even relations with India and China, primarily due to the country's focus on regional connectivity. The BCIM-EC (Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor) intends to improve economic cooperation and connectivity among the four countries, and the country has been aggressively pursuing regional connectivity initiatives. Additionally, Bangladesh has participated in BIMSTEC, a regional forum for encouraging economic and social cooperation among member nations in the Bay of Bengal region.

Bangladesh's efforts to diversify its economic partners contribute to the country's harmonious relationship with India and China. Though the country's most important trading partner is still India, China has become a significant investor and trading partner in recent years. The country has successfully negotiated trade and investment agreements with India and China to further its economic goals. The country has also maintained cordial relations with both countries by tackling regional security issues. Both border security and counter-terrorism programs have had significant participation from the country.
Bangladesh's multifaceted foreign policy, emphasis on regional connectivity, efforts to diversify economic partners, and tackling regional security problems have all contributed to the country's harmonious relations with India and China. Bangladesh's success in balancing its ties with India and China is notable, and the country will likely play a pivotal role in the area from now on. Owing to the strength of its diplomatic ties and economic development, Bangladesh can now negotiate with global superpowers like the United States and the European Union. As a result, these nations are focusing more on Bangladesh. The rising importance of Bangladesh in global politics has led to recent interference by these countries in Bangladeshi domestic affairs.

The question that arises now is why Bangladesh is getting so much more of their attention. The immense economic potential of Bangladesh is one of the critical reasons why developed nations such as the United States and the European Union are paying attention to the country. Economic growth in Bangladesh has been robust in recent years, and this trend is anticipated to persist into the foreseeable future. The country is strategically located at the South and Southeast Asia crossroads, has a vast and expanding population and offers cheap labor. Because of this, Bangladesh is now seen as a desirable location for international investment, especially in the textile, industrial, and service industries.

The country's strategic location and its role in preserving regional stability are other factors. Central to South Asia, Bangladesh is bounded by India to the west, Myanmar to the east, and the Bay of Bengal to the south. Because of this, the country has assumed a pivotal position in regional geopolitics and is a vital ally for those that wish to uphold international peace and safety.

The role Bangladesh plays in the fight against terrorism and maintaining international security is also contributing to its rising stature. Several terrorist attacks have occurred in the country, including one in 2016 on the Holey Artisan Bakery in Dhaka. Because of this, the government has worked closely with foreign allies to combat the threat of terrorism and has strengthened its counter-terrorism capabilities. The country's position and rising economic importance make it an essential ally for countries working to secure the region.

Bangladesh's dedication to sustainable development and vulnerability to climate change has also contributed to the country's rising profile internationally. Rising sea levels and increasingly frequent and severe natural catastrophes threaten the country's people and economy, making it one of the most vulnerable to climate change. In response, the government has taken the initiative to become a global leader in climate action and sustainable development.

Several factors contribute to Bangladesh's rising international prominence, including its economic potential, strategic location, and dedication to regional stability, counter-terrorism, climate change, and sustainable development. If the country keeps on making strides in these areas, it will undoubtedly rise in international prominence.

The United States and European Union's interest in Bangladesh is evidence of the country's progress and growing importance in regional and global affairs. Bangladesh can now increase its cooperation with foreign allies and build on its previous successes due to this acknowledgement.

Bangladesh has shown remarkable fortitude and will in the face of adversity, and the country's rising profile around the world is evidence of the country's development. The advancements made in the last decade under Sheikh Hasina prove that Bangladesh is on the right track. Economic growth, stability, and sustainable development are expected to be prioritized, and the country's positive relationship with its neighbors and international partners will be preserved under Sheikh Hasina.

Writer: Professor in the Department of Public Administration at the University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Courtesy: Daily Sun