Published on December 16, 2021Bangabandhu's grandson Sajeeb Wazed Joy came down heavily on Jamaat-e-Islami for its wartime brutalities and conspiracies geared towards strengthening the footing of Pakistan and wiping out the dream of freedom cherished by Bangladeshis.
In a Facebook post from his verified account on Wednesday, he mentioned multiple anti-liberation activities Jamaat engaged in.
"As the Liberation War was drawing towards the end, the victory of the Bengali nation seemed to be a foregone conclusion. When the world was vocal against the atrocities committed by Pakistanis and in favour of freedom sought by Bengalis, Pakistanis hatched one last conspiracy," he added.
Joy said, "They took the initiative to take some Jamaat leaders to the UN council as the representatives of Bengalis. Their purpose was to resist the final victory of Bangladesh."
"When freedom fighters shook the footing of the Pakistani junta in November of 1971, Jamaat spokesperson and Muslim League leader Shah Azizur Rahman resorted to the UN to speak in favor of the Pakistani junta and against Bengalis. They lashed out at the freedom fighters without reservation," he wrote.
"Posing as a Bengali leader of Pakistan's political party, Shah Aziz denied the mass killing conducted by the armed forces of Pakistan in Bangladesh. Later, Ziaur Rahman, after grabbing the state power, made this person the prime minister," he added.
Sajeeb Wazed Joy, also the son of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, heavily criticized former Prime Minister Khaleda Zia for entrusting war criminals with the charge of ministries.
"Armed Al-Badr and Al-Shams, made by Niazi, assisted Pakistani soldiers on the warfield. They were led by Ghulam Azam, Shah Aziz, Nizami, Mojaheed, and other top leaders of Jamaat and Shibir. Long after the independence of Bangladesh, Khaleda offered the charge of ministries to these commanders of rapists and killers after forming the government," Joy further said.
Condemning the conspiracies and strategic moves of Pakistanis during the Liberation War of Bangladesh, he said as the Liberation War was drawing towards the end, the victory of the Bengali nation seemed to be a foregone conclusion.
"When the world was vocal against the atrocities committed by Pakistanis and in favor of freedom sought by Bengalis, Pakistanis hatched one last conspiracy. They took the initiative to take some Jamaat leaders to the UN council as the representatives of Bengalis. Their purpose was to resist the final victory of Bangladesh."
"The US security apparatus became active to implement the conspiracy of Pakistanis. That is why they formed a right-wing sphere with Khondaker Mostaq Ahmad, Taheruddin Thakur, and Mahbub Alam Chashi. Their target was to resist the defeat of Pakistanis in the Liberation War and wipe out the dream of freedom of Bangladeshis and then form a confederation state with Pakistan. This secret plan was leaked and thus couldn't be carried forward. But that didn't stop Jamaat. They left no stone unturned to bury the desire of Bangladeshis for freedom," he went on saying.