Published on February 26, 2019Bangabandhu - an epical hero, champion of the liberation - is also a legend for enhancing the image of Bangladesh abroad. Bangladesh can capitalise this characteristics figure for developing the country's image and promoting Bangladesh tourism abroad. Many tourists visit Stratford Upon Avon in England to see the birthplace of William Shakespeare and South Africa to see the residence and political memories of Nelson Mandela. Same as the greatest son of this soil, founder of the independence, Father of the Nation and undisputed historical leader Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman can be promoted as a great legend and icon for attracting foreign tourists to Bangladesh. Regarding this issue, already a veteran journalist, editor and human right activist Sir Frank Peters made a proposal for the development of Bangladesh tourism industry by cashing on this advantage. He rightly mentioned in his article how Bangladesh can capitalise the charismatic figure and political philosophy of Bangabandhu for attracting foreign tourists while observing the Bangabandhu's birth centenary in 2020.
Bangabandhu's birthplace, early life, student life, political career, life in jail, his historic 7th March speech all are the much-expected tourist attractions in Bangladesh. It is our duty to portray all these things widely across the globe. Different publications and videographies based on his biography should be developed and widely circulated. Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC) and the Department of Film and Publications (DFP) can work together in this regard.
UNESCO has already designated Bangabandhu's historic 7th March speech a world heritage documentary. His heroic speech "The Struggle this time is for our emancipation, the struggle this time is for our Independence" is still the greatest inspiration in the history of Bangladesh. This information should widely be circulated at home and abroad for inspiring the suppressed people all over the world.
Information about Bangabandhu's political career can also be of much interest to tourists because of such a political odyssey no other leader in the world took yet. Bangabandhu was imprisoned only at the age of 18 in 1938 for his nationalist speech in a political gathering, which is very rare. It was Bangabandhu, who used the word 'Bangladesh' for the first time in the conference of Stundents' League in Naryanganj.
In 1946, he was elected as General Secretary of the central students union of Kolkata Islamia College. He started a hunger strike at Dhaka Central Jail in support of the heroes of Bengali Language Movement in 1952. On June 23 of 1949, Bangabandhu was elected as Founder Joint Secretary of Awami Muslim League from the prison.
The Hon'ble Prime Minister of Bangladesh H.E. Sheikh Hasina has already declared 2020 as the birth centenary of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujubur Rahman. The elaborate programme will be chalked out soon to celebrate it.
Bangabandhu was a visionary leader for the promotion of tourism in this country, that is why he created Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC) as per the Presidential Order (P.O.) no -143 to develop tourism in this country. This P.O. itself is the excellent guideline and flagship for the future promotion and expansion of the tourism industry in Bangladesh.
To observe the birth centenary of Bangabandhu in a befitting manner and promote Bangladesh Tourism by capitalising this epical image, some specific activities may be taken to observe the birth centenary of Bangabandhu as well as to let the world know about this great legend. Steps may be taken to create various types of multi-lingual publications, including books, brochures, flyers on Bangabandhu and his works and distribute the same. Measures also may be taken to make a great exposure on Bangabandhu and his political philosophy in well-known international media. Constant publicity on Bangabandhu and his political life may be made in social media like facebook, twitter etc. Ministry of ICT may be entrusted with this responsibility. Several road-shows may be organised in major tourists generating countries across the globe to mark the Bangabandhu's birth centenary and invite foreign tourists to Bangladesh on the occasion. An iconic structure may be created to commemorate the birth centenary of Bangabandhu. The BPC may offer discounted accommodation facilities to foreign tourists as a part of observing Bangabandhu's birth centenary in 2020. It is the moral obligation of Bangladesh to spread the political philosophy of Bangabandhu across the globe. This will help Bangladesh to attract more foreign tourists.
Writer: Tourism Specialist
Courtesy: Daily Sun