Published on December 29, 2013FaceBook (facebook.com) is the pioneer of social network media and widely used all over the world. With the help of social media network, it’s easier to connect with more people in a lesser period of time. Through YouTube, organization will be to spread their promotional and campaign videos to its supporters. On the website, one can find any kind of information they need regarding the party and its activities.
To communicate with more people around the country, to run campaign on social media sites, to inform general people about various activities of the party and to evaluate their feedbacks, Bangladesh Awami League has launched a website (http://albd.org/), an YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/myalbd) and opened a page (https://www.facebook.com/awamileague.1949) on FaceBook All the posts and updates on this page, like news, photos, videos etc, are verified and moderated by the party itself and Bangladesh Awami League will be responsible for it.
But there are many pages on various social media sites which are posting misguided information. Bangladesh Awami League has no collaboration with these pages and the organization will not be liable for any of the contents posted by them.