The government is set to distribute 10 kilograms of rice to each of the 1.25 crore ultra-poor and destitute families ahead of Eid-ul-Azha to soften the blow of spiralling inflation. The disclosure was made yesterday by Enamur Rahman, the state minister for disaster management and relief, after a meeting of the Executive Committee of National Ec...
The commerce ministry has asked the Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) to purchase 11 million litres of soybean oil from local sources. Earlier, on Wednesday, the Cabinet Committee on Government Purchase approved the procurement of 16.5 million litres of soybean oil from local private firms and 8,000 tonnes of lentils from a Turkish suppli...
Dr. Pranab Kumar Panday: The 12th National Parliament elections of Bangladesh are scheduled for 2023, and the political game of different equations in Bangladesh has been on full display for some months. Despite being isolated for 13.5 years, the opposition party has just come out of its shell and made several inaccurate allegations against the...
To tackle the global recession from hitting Bangladesh, 10 million families will be provided with ration cards soon, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said. “Considering the global economic situation, the government will give 3.5 million people rice at Tk15 per kg only. We are also arranging ration cards for 10 million families,” she...
Pranab Kumar Pandey: Bangladesh's extraordinary growth during the last 13.5 years has made it an international example. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has spearheaded Bangladesh's progress. By her example, Bangladesh has learned to persevere through adversity and emerge stronger today. Some predicted that Bangladesh would suffer severely from the...
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today said her government mulls further steps to bring down prices essentials to keep them within tolerable level of ordinary consumers. "Price of essentials has gone up. I believe, it is urgently needed to take more measures to bring down the price of essentials to tolerable level," she said. The prime minister wa...