Historical 7th March Speech of Bangabandhu

Hindus, Muslims, Bengalis and non-Bengalis, all those who live in this Bangla are our brothers. The responsibility of protecting them is on you. Ensure that our reputation is not smeared in any way. The employees of the Radio and Television; please bear in mind that if our words are not broadcasted by the radio, then no Bengali shall go to the r...

Bangabandhu Hints at the Declaration of Independence by Hoisting the Flag on March 23

According to the newspapers published on March 24, 1971, no Pakistani flag was seen anywhere except the President's Office, Governor's House and the cantonment under tight security on March 23. On Bangabandhu's orders, the flag of independent Bangla was officially hoisted at all government and non-government buildings and educational institution...

23 March 1971: A Mighty Slap to Pakistani regime in Bangladesh

Anwar A Khan: 23 March, 1971 hit on a variety of Bangladesh’s liberation struggles from different periods and sounds to help put into perspective the depth and range of so many incredible performances that have deeply enriched our culture and lives to achieve Bangladesh. The day was a mighty slap to the Pakistani regime by the people of ...

How Bangabandhu prepared the nation for armed revolt throughout March

The seed Bangabandhu sow in historic six-point demand in 1966 got fulfilled with the 1970 general elections. Awami League gained a landslide majority bagging 167 seats out of 313 in the national cabinet of Pakistan. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman became the supreme leader of united Pakistan. But Pakistani military junta and defeated politicians did no...

Bangabandhu a Freedom-loving Leader of the World

Hiren Pandit:Every country has a great leader in the liberation war. Such as George Washington of America, Lenin of Russia, Mao Zedong of China, Mahatma Gandhi of India, Sukarno of Indonesia, Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam and Bangabandhu for Bangladesh. As the father of the nation, the founder of the state or the liberation war leader, they have always...

Historic 7 March Speech: Context and Significance

50 years ago, Bangabandhu gave the finest speech of his life at the erstwhile historic Race Course Maydan. Disregarding the intimidation and threats of the Pakistani Army's tanks, guns and machineguns, and in the presence of a million audience, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared in a booming voice: "This time, the struggle is for our lib...

Month of Independence Begins

The fiery March, month of independence, began today giving a heartbreaking reminder to the genocide that the Pakistani occupation forces carried out in the country from March to mid-December in 1971. The month of March is very significant in the country’s history as Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared the count...

Crimson Dawn of Freedom: The Journey of a Red and Green Flag Begins

“This may be my last message. From today Bangladesh is independent. I call upon the people of Bangladesh, wherever they might be and with whatever you have, to resist the army of occupation to the last. Your fight must go on until the last soldier of the Pakistan occupation army is expelled from Bangladesh. Final victory is ours.” S...

H.E President M Abdul Hamid hosted a reception at Bangabhaban marking the country's 48th Independence and National Day

H.E President M Abdul Hamid hosted a reception at Bangabhaban marking the country's 48th Independence and National Day  P.C: Saiful Islam Kallol 

HPM Sheikh Hasina Paid Homage to Bangabandhu on 47th Anniversary of Independence

HPM Sheikh Hasina Paid Homage to Bangabandhu on 47th Anniversary of Independence  P.C: Saiful Islam Kallol 

HPM Sheikh Hasina Pays Homage to Martyrs of 1971

HPM Sheikh Hasina Pays Homage to Martyrs of 1971  P.C:Saiful Islam Kallol 

Discussion Meeting on Genocide Day, 25 March 2018

Discussion Meeting on Genocide Day, 25 March 2018

Genocide Day: As it was in March 1971: Syed Badrul Ahsan

The adoption of a resolution by parliament on the observance of 25 March as Genocide Day raises the very critical question of the significance of the day. That question has nothing to do with the platitudinous or the emotional, though platitudes and emotions are always necessary components of the human experience everywhere. But now that we offi...