From 2001 to 2006: MP Moni transferred 5 DCs for protesting land grabbing and terrorist activities


Published on November 23, 2022
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After being elected as MP from BNP in 2001, Nurul Islam Moni of Barguna-2 Constituency (Bamna-Patharghata) built an empire in his own name by grabbing other people's land. He even established a reign of terror in the area by occupying public properties and settlement land, looting in the name of the contract, recruitment trade, and filing false cases against people. He transferred five DCs in five years to for protesting his misdeeds. Those DCs were - Abul Kashem, Alimushshan, Md Shafiqullah, Farooq Ahmed and Abul Mansur Faizullah.

The Prothom Alo reported it on March 29, 2007. The report said MP Moni established a technical college in front of his house covering an area of about 50 acres in 2003 though he possessed only 10 acres. He grabbed the remaining 40 acres of land uprooting 10 minority families using his terrorist group. Moni did not pay any money to anyone in exchange for these lands. People were fed up with Moni's persecution in Bamana and Patharghata. Moni’s followers were involved in every sort of crime, including land grabbing, persecution of minorities, recruitment trade, tender manipulation, extortion, suppression of opposition parties, and spying in the administration.

MP Moni formed special forces in each union to carry out looting and terror activities. He conspired to transfer DC Farooq Ahmed after his wife Shayla was not given 30 decimals of vested land settlement in front of Barguna Zilla Parishad. Also, Fazlul Haque Degree College Principal admitted the MP's corruption in appointing 12 teachers in his institution. He said, 'I had nothing to do. I heard that the former MP has taken the bribe.'

In 2001, a cadre force of 50-60 people attacked Abed Master's house as he took an opposition stance in the elections. They cut the wrist of his elder brother Malek Farazi. The bullets of the terrorists destroyed the houses. After Abed's family filed a case in this incident, MP Moni's forces filed a false case against Abed and put him in jail. In 2006, they occupied the land of Abed Master and built the office of BNP there.

MP Moni's wrath did not spare even former president of Patharghata Upazila BNP Ayub. The BNP leader alleged that Moni attacked his firms with Chhatra Dal activists and filed several false cases against him.