Published on June 29, 2014Bangladesh Awami League was struggling for realising peoples' right from the time of its birth. If the history of Awami League and the emergence of independent Bangladesh is analysed it will be seen that whatever has been achieved from establishing Bangladesh as an independent sovereign state, giving Bengali nation its own identity to the world community, introducing the mother tongue of the Bengalis as a state language, whatever Bengalis have got and whatever is glorious for Bengalis is the result of Awami League's long struggle.
Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the greatest Bengali of all times, established Bangladesh Awami League as a strong people-oriented organisation to achieve political, economic and cultural freedom of the Bengali nation. He travelled across all districts, sub divisions, from villages to villages as a bard. He saw in his own eyes common peoples' sorrows, pain, deprivation and injustices occurring on them. He worked tirelessly to bring an end to their sorrows and sufferings.
He realised that it is not possible to achieve freedom of the common people without a strong organisation. So he paid more attention to make the organisation strong. Taking this organisation along, he protested against all injustices. He organised movement. Resultantly, he had to be victim of false cases and suffer jail terms repeatedly. Even while speaking about realising legitimate rights of the people he had to be face to face with death several times. He had been accused in a false case with an ulterior motive to have him hanged to death. But in respect of principle he was strong and immovable like the Himalayas. He carried on struggle to realise rights of the Bengalis. Many leaders of his beloved Awami League were victimised in terms of time in jail, torture and oppression.
We see a wonderful union in achieving the independence of the people of Bangladesh and establishment of Awami League. This organisation was, as if, established to pay off a historic liability and materialise a life-long aim of the Bengalis. If we look back or analyse history we will see that on the 23rd of June in 1757 Last Nawab of Bengal Sirajuddowla was defeated in battle because of the betrayal of his chief of army. Through that defeat the Sun of independence of the country set for nearly two centuries.
Nearly two hundred years after that, a pro-people organisation by the name East Pakistan Awami Muslim League was established on the 23rd of June in 1949 in Dhaka's Rose Garden. In an assembly in 1953 Awami Muslim League was renamed as Awami League so that people of all caste and creed and opinion could make it their own party and thereby make it stronger. Common people accepted Awami League as an organisation of their own that upheld their dream of freedom. Through a ceaseless struggle of 23 years and the victory in a nine-month war of liberation an independent sovereign Bangladesh was established. Today's Bangladesh was a province of a country called Pakistan which was separated from our country by 1200 miles. There was no similarity in language, culture, social norms, styles, dresses, food habit or anything. There was no ingredient other than religion that the two peoples had in common.
In Pakistan, Bengalis were greater in number but were exploited by the minority. Bengalis were not given any good opportunity in civil or military services or any other government job. Suffering hunger, poverty and deprivation was, as if, the fate of the Bengalis. People had to live in extreme negligence and insult. East Bengal used to earn major portion of foreign exchange, but Bengalis did not have the right to use that.
Even Pakistani rulers wanted to snatch away the right to speak in mother tongue. The battle of establishing Bangla as a state language started in 1948. Under the leadership of student leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman all party state language struggle council was formed in a student meeting on the 2nd of March in Fazlul Huq Hall. On the 11th of March Bengalis started struggle through observing language day. Students and young leaders including Bangabandhu were arrested. Pakistanis oppression, police torture and court cases started. Language struggle council carried on movement. Bangabandhu again landed in jail. In 1949 Awami League continued carrying on struggle for language from the time of its establishment. In 1952 work council for dignity of Bangla language was formed. Many including Salam, Barkat, Rafique, Jabbar embraced martyrdom in police fire. This self-sacrifice of the Bengalis only for speaking in the mother tongue is an unprecedented glorious incident in the history of the world.
On the 6th of February in 1953 in the executive council meeting of the East Pakistan Awami Muslim it was decided that 21st of February would be observed as Shahid Dibash. Accordingly, acting General Secretary of the Party Sheikh Mujibur Rahman sent instructions to all districts through his letters. The programmes included (1) hartal, (2) procession, (3) public meeting, (4) hoisting of black flag and (5) wearing of black badges.
Awami League as an organisation had to face police impediment in observing 21st of February as Shahid day. Still the day was observed successfully. Respect was paid to the martyrs. Taking the path of that day every Bengali, irrespective of caste, creed or party affiliation pay respect to martyrs on the 21st of February throughout the country. Today as declared by the UN the day is observed as the International Mother Language Day throughout the world.
In 1954 United Front was formed in which Awami League was the organisation spread throughout the country. United Front came out victorious defeating ruling Muslim League. Under the leadership of AK Fazlul Huq, Moulana Bhashani and Hossain Shahid Suhrawardy the deprived people got the scope of being free from exploitation. Bad luck was that Muslim League in the centre could not accept this change. Palace conspiracy started. Emergency was declared central government was formed as per Section 92/A and arrested all leaders including Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. In 1956 Awami League again formed government overcoming hurdles.
In 1958 Ayub Khan promulgated Martial Law and again arrested all leaders. Taking the posts of the Chief of Army and the President he started on military dictatorship. In 1957 Moulana Bhashani broke out of Awami League and formed National Awami Party. Politically this was a very harmful step for the country and taking advantage of this weakness military rule could come.
Bangabandhu was arrested on the 12th of October 1958. He was freed in 1960, but he was restricted in movement. In 1962 Dhaka University and all student community plunged into movement. Ayub Khan took the step of writing Bengali in Arabic or Roman letters.
In 1958 after promulgation of Martial Law all political parties were banned. In 1964 Hindu-Muslim riot occurred with Ayub Government's conspiracy. Taking the risk of life Bangabandhu along with his colleagues resisted that riot. On the 25th of January in 1964 he revamped Awami League.
Bangabandhu started visit to whole country to strengthen the Awami League as an organization. In 1965 war broke out between India and Pakistan. At that time Bangladesh was totally unprotected. There was doubt whether East Pakistan was a part of Pakistan, because no measures were taken by Pakistani government to maintain security of the people of East Pakistan. The son of the soil remained in complete unprotected condition.
In 1966, Bangabandhu declared the historic 6-point, the charter of freedom of the Bengalis. The 6-point charter was the demand of the heart of the people of this part of the country. Bangabandhu was arrested after the announcement of this demand in 1966. False cases were framed against him while in custody. In January 1968 he was shifted to unknown place from Dhaka Central Jail. In this year, in the month of July, conspiracy started to hang him in the so-called "Agartala Conspiracy Case". But, the people of Bangladesh resisted it.
In 1966, on 7 March, total hartal was observed throughout Bangladesh on the demand of release of prisoners and implementation of the 6-point demand. Labours and general mass gave their lives. At that time the trial against Bangabandhu and other 35 accused started in the cantonment. The students and general mass burst out against the fictitious trial. Students Action Committee was formed. They started movement with their 11-point and the 6-point of Awami League. The movement for withdrawal of case against Bangabandhu and Agartala case converted into mass upsurge. Ayub government was forced to release Bangabandhu and all other accused in the case. Prior to this Sergeant Zahurul Haq was murdered in captivity on 15 February. Bangabandhu was released on 22 February 1969. The Ayub regime fell. Another Military Dictator, General Yahya Khan usurped power. General Election was held in 1970. In that election Awami League obtained absolute majority in whole Pakistan. The ruling class could not accept the fact that any Bengali leader or political party would take over power in Pakistan. Therefore, they began dilly-dallying instead of handing over power to Bangabandhu.
Bangabandhu had united the whole nation and called for noncooperation movement. The whole Bengali nation exhibited unprecedented response. Government, non-government Bengali officers-employees, different institutions, students-teachers to farmers-labours including people from all strata followed the only direction.
The house at road number 32 became the central place of journey for all categories of masses. All directions used to come from that place for entire Bangladesh. People used to abide by all orders at its entirety those had been channelled from the house at road 32. Pakistani rulers lost their control since 1st of March. In real sense of the term their administration was broken down. The international print media started publishing news reports comparing house at 32 with that of 10 Downing Street of London. The Daily Azazi, in its issue on March 14, 1971 in its report entitled "from where the 7 crore Bengali receive directives" maintained that "the power of administration no more lies with Military authority, rather the strength of love of 7 crore people turned the road 32 into only source of power."
Bangabandhu in his historic address on March 7, declared, "The struggle this time is the struggle of emancipation, this struggle is the struggle for independence."
On March 25, the occupation forces attacked the unarmed Bengalis. Bangabandhu declared the independence at the first hour of 26th and called upon the people to continue the war till the ousting of the last soldier. No sooner had Bangabandhu declared the independence, than he was arrested and was taken to jail of Pakistan and was lodged anti-state case against him for hanging. The elected representatives formed the government on April 10, with Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as President, Syed Nazrul Islam as Vice President and Tajuddin Ahmed as Prime Minister. On April 17, the government elected by people's vote took oath at the mango orchard of Meherpur. The sun of independent Bangladesh emerged at a place near the spot where it was set two hundred years back.
The liberation war continued by the aliened force India and other friendly countries, people, organization and individuals for prolonged nine months, Bangladesh was freed from occupied forces. The occupation forces surrendered on December 16, 1971 at the same racecourse field where Bangabandhu delivered his historic address on March 7. Yahya Khan fell down. On January 8, 1972, the new government of Pakistan was forced to release Bangabandhu following the pressure of the world leaders. He underlined the course of action detailing how to build the independent and sovereign Bangladesh. He recalled with deep regards the sacrifice of the martyrs, oppressed sisters and mothers. He also expressed gratitude to friendly countries and people.
Bangabandhu presented constitution to the nation within nine months. General election was held in 1973 in pursuance of that constitution. He then started to build up the devastated Bangladesh.
The moment when the country was emerging from the ruins of devastation, economic condition of Bangladesh was improving, stepped into bright future, and then the deep darkness appeared. Bangabandhu and members of his family were killed on August 15, 1975. The defeated force of 1971 killed the democracy to stop the wheels of economic progress. The politics of killing and coup began. The glorious history of independence movement and the joyful chapter of wining the independence washed away. The defeated forces of 1971 assumed the power, which was shameful for the nation. The trial of anti-liberation forces was stopped to rehabilitate them in political and social arena. By killing innumerable freedom fighters they opened a black chapter.
In 1996, Bangladesh Awami League formed the government. It took 21 years to come to power through election. Awami League, after crossing many hurdles got the chance to serve the people. The people of Bangladesh know it very well government has to serve and its only role is to involve in peoples' welfare. The people, shattered and hopeless, began to hope for a bright future. They wanted to know the history and episode of winning. People were profusely invigorated with patriotism by stimulating themselves with the splendid glory of independence. Economic development, social security, education, health, service and cultural activities helped the nation to march ahead to achieve glory.
But, misfortune never stops its journey to follow the Bengalis. In 2001, October 1 election, again the dream of silver sky was over shadowed by black cloud. Killing, rape, firing, terrorism, extremism, corruption, mal-administration, favouritism, politicization largely contributed to lead the nation to destruction. BNP-Jamaat was desperate to prove Bangladesh as a failure state. The national flag emerged out of blood of freedom fighters was given to use to war criminals to use in their cars. Those who raped the mothers and sisters, killed the intellectuals, opposed the independence, they emerged as the deciding factor in the country. Hawa Bhaban, money laundering, arms dealer, drug trafficking, nothing of these were left where they were not involved.
The caretaker government and declaration of emergency was the product of their evil acts. Five years misrule of BNP, Fakruddin- Moinuddin's two years emergency, the people of the country passed life without any respiration. Lastly, the parliament election of 2008 gave Awami league the floor. Being elected by people's vote, they got the chance of serving the people. By washing out all waste Awami League government succeeded to brighten the image of the country. Economic, social and cultural freedom helped the nation to move for progress. People got back the political right. Healthy political culture consolidated democracy. The touch of development reached to the door step of the poorest section of the remotest villages. Within five years the country advanced with the spirit of Liberation War. The verdict of the killing of the Father of the Nation has been activated. The trial of war criminals proceeded on. The verdict of the trial is being implemented. The nation has got the chance of passing through from the disgrace.
Bangladesh Awami League has got the chance of keeping the pace of development, electing again by the people's mandate on January 5, 2014 election. It would be possible to build a developed Bangladesh within 2021, implementing the given commitment to the people, working properly. The people of Bangladesh has suffered and sacrificed a lot. I firmly believe that their bad days must be ended. The Bengali nation will live with dignity in the world. It was the aspiration of Father of the Nation and we shall implement this, Inshallah.
We have achieved our independence through an extraordinary inclusive of non-violence movement and freedom fight. The integration of political process, admixture and achievement of victory is an unparallel event of the world. Awami League has achieved this for being a party of the people. The proficient leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and patriotism, sacrifice of the mighty workers of this mighty organisation of Bangladesh Awami League made it possible.
Proper leadership of 65 years and the sacrifice of the workers help to gain people's support. All these helped the party to march ahead by shattering all conspiracies to achieve this glory, leading to independence. This is unparallel of the history of the world. In future, Bangladesh will be able to rise to the occasion as a developed country. The Bengali nation will be able to march ahead.
I pay regards to the dedicated workers of Awami League. Whatever Bangladesh has earned through sacrifice, devotion and was possible due to the dedicated, organised contribution of its workers. Our responsibility is to rise above the red-green flag of Bangladesh. We are able to build a world record to render the national anthem in chorus with million voices. Awami League can fulfil the dream of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to build hunger and poverty free Bangladesh. Awami League can do it, Inshallah.
Joy Bangla
Joy Bangabandhu.
Sheikh Hasina
Prime Minister, The People's Republic of Bangladesh and President, Bangladesh Awami League