Views & Opinion

Mujibnagar Government: A Symbol of Bangladesh’s Struggle for Independence

The Mujib­nagar Gove­rnment is a significant emblem in the history of Bangla­desh, representing the nation's unwavering determination and persistent fight for independence. The Mujibnagar Government was formed on April 17, 1971, following Pakistan's violent suppression of Bengali nationalists. It acted as the temporary government of ...

Mujibnagar: Our government, our history

Syed Badrul Ahsan: On 22 December 1971, the Mujibnagar government came home to a liberated Bangladesh. The homecoming was a fitting climax to a tortuous struggle for national liberty waged by the Mukti Bahini, indeed by an entire Bengali nation, in the nine months of a bitter war imposed on Bangladesh by Pakistan’s army of occupation. Th...

Smart Bangladesh: The next transformative leap

After the successful implementation of Digital Bangladesh, the honourable Prime Minister has unveiled another visionary initiative, Smart Bangladesh, to create an innovative, intelligent, and knowledge-based society

‘India-out’ -a futile strategy?

Within the realm of Bangladeshi politics, the utilization of the anti-India tactic has become widely recognized and frequently employed by the BNP and its allies. Originating from past grievances and strategic political considerations, this campaign has been employed to influence public sentiment and strengthen authority. Political instability ...

BNP’s Perilous ‘India-Out’ Gamble: Playing with Fire

Following their failure to resist the 12th Parliamentary election, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) in Bangladesh has adopted a perilous and irresponsible approach: deliberately fueling anti-Indian sentiment while pretending to engage in political tactics. The BNP frequently relies on anti-Indian rhetoric as a response to political losses,...