66% people supports HPM Sheikh Hasina's leadership: IRI Survey


Published on September 4, 2018
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The popularity of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has marked a significant rise as around 66 percent countrymen have lent out their support for the Bangladesh premier, alongside the Awami League-led government still rides on a good public support at 64 percent, said a survey of IRI.

The Washington-based International Republican Institute (IRI) conducted the survey between April 10 and May 21, 2018. BSS received a copy of the survey here today.

IRI collected data using a multi-stage stratified probability sample through in-person, in-home interviews. The sample was stratified by division, by district, and by urban and rural locations.

Majority people of the country have said the country is marching ahead in right direction under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina while a sense of high optimism is vindicated over the current economic situation, said IRI, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization, which is committed to advancing freedom and democracy worldwide.

IRI working area covers Asia, Europe, Africa, Eurasia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa.

The 33-page survey titled “National Survey of Bangladesh Public Opinion” said a staggering 62 percent people believe the country is going ahead on right path and as many as 69 percent people are satisfied with the current state of the economy.

On a similar note, an overwhelming support is evidenced in the government’s effort to ensure public security, given that around 68 percent people satisfied with current security situation, adding that, 57 percent people believe the security situation will improve in the coming days, said the survey.

On the front of providing people with basic services, the government enjoys an upbeat mood as 67 percent people are happy with health care service, 64 percent with electricity situation and 61 percent with the development of roads, highways and bridges.

On the current state of democracy around 51 percent people have expressed satisfaction with the current state of democracy and 51 percent people vindicated their trust on the work of the parliament.

In addition, around 81 percent people said to cast their vote in the upcoming election while 51 percent people gave an affirmative node on the current state of democracy in the country.

The sample consists of 5,000 respondents aged 18 and older, and is representative of voting-age adults nationally.

An earlier survey, conducted by International Republican Institute (IRI), illustrated a similar tenor of public opinion on the country’s progress.

Released in January 2016, the poll divulged 64 percent of the respondents thought the country is heading in right direction.

Another survey, conducted and released in 2015 by the British Council, ActionAid Bangladesh and the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), showed 75 percent of Bangladeshi youths see the country as a more prosperous nation in the next 15 years and 60 percent think it is heading in the right direction.

Preference of the surveyed countrymen reveals Sheikh Hasina stands out as the most popular and trusted national leader in the country. 72.3 percent respondents have a ‘good’ opinion about Sheikh Hasina running the country. In contrast, only 26.6 percent respondents have a good opinion about Khaleda Zia running the country.

According to another 2015 IRI survey, around 67 percent respondents gave admission Sheikh Hasina is the statesman to be relied upon.

Source: BSS